File complaint against municipality

This section of the site provides instructions regarding the steps required to file a Complaint with the Council.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to file a Complaint, you must be an attorney or other authorized representative of a county, municipality, school board, a county executive or a mayor directly elected by the voters of the municipality.

  1. Consult the Council's recently revised Rules of Procedure, including

The Complaint form is a PDF document that may be filed out on a computer, printed out and saved to the computer's local drive (with Acrobat Reader 8 or above), OR it may be printed out as a blank form to be filled in by typewriter or by hand.

To obtain additional information about PDF documents and to download a copy of the free software that permits you to view, save and print the Complaint form, please consult Document Format .

  1. Follow these instructions to complete the Complaint form:

a. Sections I(A) and I(B): Both sections must be completed using business contact information only. If you do not have a business fax or e-mail address, enter "none" in the appropriate box.

b. Section II (body of complaint):