When working on my undergraduate degree in education, several classes focused on theory. While I learned about the theory, I didn't really internalize it until I started teaching and became a parent of adopted children. Then, I was able to see some theories in action.
One theory I now see in practice often is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The premise of Maslow's theory is we need to have basic needs met BEFORE we can be in a psychological state for learning. Not only have I seen this theory in action at MNPS but with one of my own sons. Hence, the reason I'm excited about the work that the MNPS SEL department is leading in our district. Schools that are working to develop a safe, welcoming culture and climate are well on their way to increasing student success.
I share about this collaboration not only to applaud them for their work in supporting student basic needs to foster learning, but to highlight how they have embedded the collaborative inquiry in their work. If your school chooses to have a culture and climate walkthrough using the tool that the SEL department developed through collaboration with national experts, then the collaborative inquiry process is used to analyze the data and develop next steps.
To see an example of the collaborative inquiry process in action, please see the below minutes from Goodlettsville Elementary school's walkthrough. Babs Freeman-Lotis, from the SEL department, facilitated the discussion.
Do you have examples or ideas for how the collaborative inquiry process might be used? If so, please feel free to contact Margie Johnson at [email protected].
goodlettsville_collaborative_inquiry.docx |