The National Fire Academy (NFA) is committed to providing quality training that helps to reduce the risk of fire-related injuries and fatalities, as well as improve the fire and emergency medical services (EMS) capability for response and recovery from all hazards.
We strive to maintain the high standards of our programs by asking students about the effectiveness of our training at the end of their courses and by measuring the long-term impact of our training after they return to their communities.
We assess the effectiveness of our programs and instruction by asking students to complete a course evaluation at the end of their training experience. End-of-course evaluations are used to identify opportunities for improvement and to ensure our training meets the needs of the fire and EMS community.
We also assess what elements of NFA training students have applied to their work that may, ultimately, make a difference in reducing fire-related risks within their local communities. We enlist their help by inviting students and their supervisors to complete a long-term evaluation online no later than 4 to 6 months after the conclusion of their course. This feedback is crucial to help us evaluate course content and improve learning outcomes on an ongoing basis.
During Fiscal Year 2022, 529 students and 523 supervisors provided a long-term evaluation. As with the previous years' responses, students indicated that they were able to transfer the training skills and learning to their jobs, and supervisors reported improved performance. The data show:
94%We encourage NFA students, their supervisors and their co-workers to share experiences and feedback anytime on how students have applied learning once they return to regular duties. We are particularly interested in comments or observations about the NFA's influence on:
Page last reviewed: Jan. 27, 2023