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Catwg Primary School is a warm and caring school, where staff place a high priority on the well-being of its pupils. This results in pupils who are very happy and feel safe in the school environment. Across the school, most pupils make good progress in their learning from their individual starting points, including pupils in the hearing-impaired classes (HIC) and those with additional learning needs (ALN).
However, the tendency to over-direct the teaching and a lack of challenge impact on the expected progress of more able pupils. Relationships between staff and pupils, and between each other, are exceptional. All pupils are very supportive of each other and have very positive attitudes to school life.
They behave extremel . y well during lessons and when moving around the school. Teachers are beginning to design a rich and varied curriculum, which engages most pupils in their learning. The school provides a good range of extra-curricular activities that develop and enhance a wide range of skills effectively and inspire pupils to take up new interests.
These experiences develop pupils' life skills and well-being positively. Pupils enjoy their lessons, but their contribution towards their own learning is inconsistent across the school and their role as representatives of the pupils is underdeveloped. Most pupils across the school develop strong oracy and reading skills.
This is also true of the development of pupils' comprehensive grasp of number work in mathematics. However, from Year 3 to Year 6, teachers do not provide pupils with sufficient opportunities for them to develop the full range of mathematical concepts consistently. In addition, there are few opportunities for pupils to apply their numeracy skills in other areas of the curriculum.
The newly appointed headteacher provides clear strategic leadership. The school's vision, mission and values are evident in the work of senior leaders, staff and governors. He has developed a strong team ethos where all staff feel valued and are passionate about providing a quality education for all pupils.
Recommendations R1 Ensure that pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 have sufficient opportunities to experience all mathematical concepts and to apply their numeracy skills regularly in their work across the curriculum R2 Ensure that teaching consistently provides opportunities to develop older pupils' independent skills and challenges all pupils, particularly those who are more able R3 Provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to influence what and how they learn and to contribute to the development of the school
lo·crate verb
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1.To locate by [Ofsted] rating: they locrated the school using locrating.com
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