Cub Scout Camping Checklist

Cub Scout camping checklist

Cub Scout Ideas

If your pack has new families, you might need to tell them what they should bring to your campout. A Cub Scout camping checklist would be a great thing to share with them.

Before my pack's first campout last fall, several new Cub Scouts emailed us to ask what they needed to bring. Those of us who have been around for a while knew, but we forgot that some people wouldn't know.

I decided to create a Cub Scout camping checklist for our pack and to share with you.

After searching online, I found a Boy Scouts of America checklist. It's great if you are going to print a copy, fill out the information and make copies for everyone. But most of us now communicate via email.

So, I modified the Cub Scout camping checklist so that it's easier to use electronically. I added fillable form fields so you can enter information about the location, date and time of your campout.

You can now check boxes so that families will know if they need to bring their own tent or cooking equipment.

This Cub Scout camping supply list can then be emailed to parents. If they want, they can print it to use as a handy packing list.

Download the file by filling out a quick form. Make sure the file is opened in Acrobat Reader and not in a tab on your browser.

Here's how you use it:

  1. Camping coordinator opens file and adds information about the campout
  2. Coordinator saves the file with another name, (example: “March campout”)
  3. Coordinator emails file to parents
  4. Parents can print file to use as a packing list

I hope you find this Cub Scout camping checklist useful! If you do, share it with other Cub Scout families.

Yours in Scouting,