This information taken from the Government of Canada's web page on the amendment: "The Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act (Bill C-3) came into force on January 31, 2011. The act addresses gender equity in the Indian Act and amends provisions of the Indian Act that the Court of Appeal for British Columbia found to be unconstitutional in the case of McIvor v. Canada (2009). The act created paragraph 6(1)(c.1) in the Indian Act to enable the grandchildren of women who lost their status through marriage to register. Any child of a person whose entitlement to registration was amended or was entitled to be amended from subsection 6(2) to paragraph 6(1)(c.1), whether born on or after September 4, 1951, is now entitled to registration under subsection 6(2) of the Indian Act. The band membership of children newly entitled to register under subsection 6(2) is determined according to current band membership rules (codes) and if their band of affiliation has control of its membership. Otherwise, they are entitled to membership in their parents' band."
Publication Information
Hurley, Mary C and Tonina Simeone. "Bill C-3: Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act". Social Affairs Division, Parliamentary Information and Research Service. Government of Canada.March 18 2010.
Hurley, Mary C. and Tonina Simeone